Find the Recluse Spider

Thomas Shahan Scytodes eye pattern WikiCommonsLoxoscelesEyes WikiCommonsPholcidae Eyes WikiCommons Dysdera eyes
1 2 3 4
Photograph by Thomas Shahan Photograph by Philipe de Liz Pereira Photograph by "Waly" Photograph by Micheo Vuijlsteke
Creative Commons permission
Creative Commons permission
Creative Commons permission
Creative Commons permission

If you said "2," you are correct.

Photo 1 shows the eye pattern of spiders in the genus Scytodes, the spiders that spit a mixture of silk and venom at their prey. The eye pattern is the same as that of the recluse spiders, but the general coloration of these spiders makes them quite distinctive. Photo 2 shows a species in the Loxosceles genus that does not show the violin pattern. Photo 3 show a member of the Pholcidae, the "daddylonglegs" spiders. Note that the eye pattern could be described as two triads of eyes, each forming almost a right triangle. The eyes outline a roughly rectangular shape. Photo 4 shows a member of the genus Dysdera, the "woodlouse hunters." Note that their eye pattern is close to being an inverted version of that of the Pholcidae, so again two right triangles are determined by two triads of eyes. The Dysderidae have proportionally very large chelicerae and fangs.