Nation Reconciliation and Reconstruction 2015

Resources for the Concerned Activist




Some of the subjects that may need to be discussed:

• Pre-capitalist societies and insights they provide into what many people living today regard as the rational way to run the economics of a society.
• The relationship between groups that take advantage of others and social unrest. Corruption, etc.
• Money as a way of storing and accumulating the fruits of work
• The use of money as capital permitting the establishment of firms
• The functions of firms:
    ° To harvest the efforts of paid laborers
    ° To benefit the owners
    ° To provide for further investments
    ° To benefit laborers
• Employers and laborers are in a relationship analogous to relations among organism in long-term relationships studied in biology
    ° Some relationships are neutral and not significant (Rat snakes and garter snakes
might live in the same abandoned woodchuck burrows, for instance)
    ° In some relationships both parties benefit. (Symbiotic relationship)
    ° In some relationships one party benefits and the other is degraded. (Parasitic relationship)
• Costs imposed on the general public by firms that pollute, etc.
    ° Tragedy of the commons

The whole situation is more complicated when trade is conducted between economies with higher living costs and higher salaries import manufactured goods from economies that have lower living costs and lower salaries – particularly if the lower salaries are on the slave wages side.


PEM:  Economics in One Lesson, by Henry Hazlitt, was highly recommended to me by a professor of economics. Hazlitt seems, on the whole, to make useful arguments against some economic practices. However, he assumes that the owners of firms will pay their workers a fair wage rather than just enough to keep a homeless person from starving. He also assumes that those who run these firms will necessarily reinvest their earnings rather than behaving like a giant dragon brooding on its pile of gold and jewels.

Hazlitt seems not to entertain any question about what restraints on capitalism a community might put on enterprises when someone requests permission from a community to build a factory or other major capital-intensive project on its territory. Is it permissible, from the standpoint of the community, to take advantage of an over-supply of workers and cut wages to the bone? Is it acceptable to deplete the human and other resources of the community and take the factory owner's earning away from the community?

In service of his ideas Hazlitt seems to invoke a hidden principle of economics, the zero-sum game. He says that money that goes one place, e.g. to taxes used to support the unemployed and who knows what other unworthy projects, cannot be used in another place, e.g., to build another factory, earn more money, and pay more workers wages. But money that does not go into the firm's coffers and is not paid out as unavoidable taxes could be used to provide improvements in the medical care of workers and their family members, to provide improved educational opportunities, etc. While there are clearly frills that would add nothing to the productivity of workers, a factory clinic where workers could be seen for over-the-counter medications for headaches and colds, antimicrobials and bandages for minor wounds, etc. could pay both employer and employee good dividends.

It might be true that some businesses could not survive if forced to pay their workers a living wage, but perhaps they do not deserve to survive. Since there is a demand for their products, perhaps a business with better practices would move in and be successful. Perhaps one of the real reasons for paying workers marginal wages is that their employer employs a strategy that goes all the way back to the ant but not to the grasshopper: putting aside large reserves for one's own future maintenance.

Models, by their very nature, never incorporate all features of the real systems being investigated. Nevertheless, a simple model of an economy that is isolated to a single community ought to include all the major factors that would have an impact on the members of that community.

Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt  [External Reviews]

The Making of Modern Economics: The Lives and Ideas of the Great Thinkers,  by Mark Skousen [External Reviews]

Development as Freedom, Amartya Sen [External Reviews]


"Hunter-gatherers and the mythology of the market" by John Gowdy [here].

"Neuroscience Can Help Us Understand Social Transitions," by John Gowdy (RPI) [here].

"Industrial Revolution and the Standard of Living," by Clark Nardinelli (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) [here].

See additionally, commentary 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11,
