Logic Lessons

Tutor-text Materials to download and use as Java programs running on your own computer:

These two instructional video files may take 30 seconds or more to load, during which time you will see nothing happening. (Windows users will need to explicitly download, save, and then open the Zip files.)

How to Use the TM_Aurora part one. Go
How to Use the TM_Aurora part two. Go

Get  the Teaching Machine Aurora.v2.4  Go 

There are now five units of logic teaching texts. TT_Aurora has been modified,
Users now have the option of uploading Logic4.sqlite and/or logic5.sqlite and copying  them into the appropriate folder in the Aurora folder on your hard drive.
New users need only download Aurora by pressing Go above and then you will receive Aurora as a zip file with all teaching modules.To make things easier for yourself, you may copy this file into a folder that you can easily locate. Double-click on the zip file and you will get a folder entitled "Aurora." On a Macintosh all you have to do is to open the Aurora folder and double-click on the jar file and the first Aurora screen will open on your computer. For  Windows computers you will get a screen with the same Aurora folder on it, but do not open this folder yet. Note that at the top of this rather complicated screen there is a button that says "Extract all files." Push this button, and then you can find the Aurora.jar file and double-click on it.

"Disputing a Strange Proof "puts all the parts of the demonstration of one kind of logical confidence game in a single document for ease in jumping back and forth between different parts of the argument.
Truth Tables (traditional) gives truth tables for most if not all of the logical functions such as "and," "or," "if... then...," and so forth.

"Truth Tables (with symbol revision)" is somewhat different in appearance. Readers who jump directly into this document should be aware that I have used the symbol "Ⅎ" to mean "thus far not falsified," rather than using "T" for true. The reason is that science and logic most often deal with empirical generalizations such as, "No spiders fail to eat animal proteins," and everybody agreee that statement to be true until a species of spider that subsists on pollens is discovered. Ordinarily we think of something as being true forever if it was true when it was said. For instance, we claim that it is true that Columbus arrived in the new world in 1492, and we feel confident that tomorrow the date will not change. But that is easier to say that the date is once and forever true than it is to say, e.g., that earth is the only place in the solar system that harbors life.

Users downloading single lessons should also download the latest images and audio file folders.

New: Lesson content only for Logic  Lessons 1 - 5. If you already have Aurora then you can try downloading only new or revised database file(s) and adding it to the Databases folder within your Aurora folder. Go

Computers running Microsoft Windows may have problems running JAR files. If you click on Aurora.jar and nothing happens then try running the utility program from this site:
Follow the directions given on that page.

Some hints on using this software. When you open the JAR file, you will be presented with a screen that asks you to choose a lesson topic and a lesson number. It is pre-set to Logic1. After you make and confirm your choice, you will need to push the second button, the one that opens the lesson you just chose.

When the lesson appears, you must push the "Load DB" button and then the  "Initialize" button before you push "Set new step level." If you push the two buttons on the first screen and then the first two buttons on the second screen properly, you can go on to set your next step number and then press go.

If you press the "Set new step level" and the "Go" button before you push the "Load DB" and the "Initialize" button you will be trying to advance through an empty series of steps. In that case all you can do is to close that screen and begin again by double-clicking the JAR file.

Materials for on-screen use via the Internet: 
N.B.: These five lessons link to SWF files. If your browser does not provide for opening and displaying SWF files  then go to https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/how-to-open-an-swf-file/#Converting_An_SWF_File and find a solution that fits your own needs. If you choose to open these files on an external application such as Elmedia (for Macintosh computers), after you select one of the links called "View video," you can choose to save the file and then find it in your downloads folder and open it with the external application, or you can choose to "open file" and select Elmedia (or whatever application you have chosen to fit your own computer's requirements)  which will then open and display the lesson for you.

Logic Lesson One. Go
Logic Lesson Two. Go
Logic Lesson Three. Go
Logic Lesson Four. Go
Logic Lesson Five. Go
